Sunday, December 19, 2010


Merry Christmas to all and to all a great New Year!
Long overdue....

I am a tall girl but not above average. At 5’8 ½ I am taller than most women, but still not an Amazon by any stretch of the imagination. I love my shoes as most women do. I do not have an over abundance of shoes, but I like my heels. I work in a professional environment and have always dressed accordingly in all of my jobs other than at 7-11. I wear heels. With my favourite shoes on, I can hit up to the 6’0 mark. Now that you know this about me, I shall continue with my story.

I’ve met some short men aka munchkins, or as a very tall and very close friend of mine calls them “pygmies”. I’m shall now apologize to all of the short men and their mothers but I cannot date a short man. I should also not be made to wear flat shoes like a well known Hollywood actress who was only permitted to wear flat shoes around her ex husband and did so for years. Short men seem to try to compensate for their height by being bold. I have had many short men contact me over the last 3 years saying that they appreciate tall women and prefer them. Usually I get told that they love long legs on a woman. I’m sorry but I do not appreciate when a man has to talk to my belly button all night long as I’m using his head as a leaning post. I also cannot enjoy any conversation when I have to bend down to talk to his ear in a crowded location while out watching a band play. Some women can, my tall female friends and I cannot. It is not fun as a girl to hug, or kiss for that matter, a guy downwards. We do not want to feel like the mother figure or be in the dominating role as a hugger/kisser. We want to be the huggee and not the hugger. I met a guy that I was introduced to through the dating site. He also happened to be a friend of a friend. So I thought that this was a good start. It was like dating with references as another friend of mine so perfectly put it. We spoke on the phone for hours and hit it off in so many ways. His photos were not the best quality, but his personality was winning me over. He told me that he was 5’8. We met at a local restaurant on a hot summer day. I was in flip flops so as not to tower over him. In height, he came up to my nose. He also failed to mention that he may have shrunken over the course of the last 48 hours. At that moment, I had become stuck in a dinner date with a very short man who kept looking up at me with the longing of a little lost puppy. I made the best of it and after the date was over I was honest with him. I cannot date a short man.

So to all the short men out there who strive to date much taller women: Please do not make us feel guilty for wearing our beloved heels or for being born taller than you.

Rule Number 2: Never go to dinner on a first date or meeting. You are locked into the date for a minimum of an hour (if you are lucky). Keep it short and casual.

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